Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Life Lessons from Spencer

Lately I have been neglecting my cat. Not out of anger or hatred (haha) but life is spinning way too fast and I havent had much time to focus on him. Spencer is strictly an outdoor feline, mainly because my mother is OCD but also because I live out in the country and fresh air is good for pets people!

This morning I realized I couldn't remember if I had fed Spence dinner the night before (terrible i know). I'm sure I did but my memory is unfortunatly failing me. As I grabbed a can of his sliced beef in gravy my mother said- "Don't feed him,  he won't be hungry- he just mauled a groundhog" I said "EWW" as I headed to the window to look for myself.

Sure enough he was bent over chewing on breakfast... So now I am at work thinking.... I need to be more like my cat! He didn't wait around for me to give him breakfast  (dinner?). He took action and picked a fresh kill over his can of processed food. If I was to apply that to my life a little more who knows where I could end up... So here it is- time to catch, kill, and devour that groundhog/goal peeping its head in and out of life! 

 Needless to say- I will definatley remember Spencers dinner today!

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