Monday, August 22, 2011

Puppy Love

My first 'boyfriend' was adorable. Of course it was in High School and the summer after my Senior Year but it was none the less special (at the time). As I was in the shower, lathering, rinsing, and repeating, I couldn't help but wonder where the F my relationships started going wrong.... my conclusion came to the fact that it can all be traced back to this individual.

It was puppy love definatley! I did start suspecting he was seeing someone else when at a club his friends and father started panicking when they saw me, friends are the first to give everything away. Our relationship ended ubruptly with no explanations because from one night to the next he slept with some random floozy... He decided to drink at his house with family, and his fathers girlfriend and HER friend. One of my best friends happens to be a relative and happend to be at the party so I was given the 411 the next morning. " He was super drunk and falling asleep, so we took him to the room, went to the living room, decided to go to sleep, couldn't find that other girl, his sister looked in his room and there she was laying with him! He woke up this morning pissed off and cursing!"

 But he stayed with her.

Today he is married to her. She is 32, six years older than him. Has two kids. Their house recently burned down and the family is suspecting foul play on her behalf. I was told he is miserable and always comment that hes just with her for the kids. I'm not going to say this makes me happy because it doesn't. It doesn't make me happy or sad or mad.

 I REALLY just dont give a damn. :)

And that my friends is the moral of the story!

Ive had to go through some crazy ordeals with many a strange gentlemen but I am HAPPY and SINGLE and I would not change my horrible dating history for anything ANYTHING in the world because I believe I have learned many valueable lessons from every single one of these morons.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Life Lessons from Spencer

Lately I have been neglecting my cat. Not out of anger or hatred (haha) but life is spinning way too fast and I havent had much time to focus on him. Spencer is strictly an outdoor feline, mainly because my mother is OCD but also because I live out in the country and fresh air is good for pets people!

This morning I realized I couldn't remember if I had fed Spence dinner the night before (terrible i know). I'm sure I did but my memory is unfortunatly failing me. As I grabbed a can of his sliced beef in gravy my mother said- "Don't feed him,  he won't be hungry- he just mauled a groundhog" I said "EWW" as I headed to the window to look for myself.

Sure enough he was bent over chewing on breakfast... So now I am at work thinking.... I need to be more like my cat! He didn't wait around for me to give him breakfast  (dinner?). He took action and picked a fresh kill over his can of processed food. If I was to apply that to my life a little more who knows where I could end up... So here it is- time to catch, kill, and devour that groundhog/goal peeping its head in and out of life! 

 Needless to say- I will definatley remember Spencers dinner today!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Only the Good die Young

My highschool class president was the most cheerful and friendly girl in our class, she was a twin and was diagnosed with some form of cancer our senior year... she passed away the next year. Two years ago our class clown who was a tall, handsome, and crazy funny guy passed away unexpectedly from a heart attack at the age of 24.

Today my coworker and friend passed away at the tender age of 18. I cant fathom the pain of his mother, grandparents, or sister but as his work family I have to say its really painful. With a heavy heart and a foggy head I will say this:

J.B. They say only the good die young and it is unfortunatley devestatingly true.  You were one of the few genuinley nice people i have ever met! It is unfortunate and heartwrenching that God called you to his side earlier than anyone would of wanted you to go. I will miss your huge smile and playful attitude...We all loved you like family and we are completley heartbroken by this tragedy. I threw your water cup away today after staring at it for what seemed like hours.. I accidentally drank from it yesterday and forgot to tell you...but I am sure you would of laughed at me and said its ok. I did design a tshirt for you like you asked me to yesterday i was going to order it today. I saw the pole and heard how you passed and all I can think is that I really hope you did not feel any pain you went in peace. Tonight I'm praying for your mother  and asking God to give her strength.  I'm also praying for the rest of the wonderful and young people in our lifes for it seems those are the first to go. Your last words to me were "See you later Laura, have a good one!" I will see you in the next life my friend... You will be GREATLY and truly missed....